Taylor and Fraser Limited
One of our most basic beliefs is that everyone should have the opportunity to work. Taylor and Fraser Ltd complies with the applicable employment laws and our obligation is to ensure fairness in the hiring and advancement of all employees, both permanent and temporary without discrimination. All our staff have a personal responsibility for maintaining a respectful work atmosphere, free of abusive or unprofessional conduct. Every employee is expected to respect other people and threat them with dignity.
Our commitment to respect in the workplace includes our full support for international efforts to promote ethical principles and practices related to the prevention of the exploitation and abuse associated with Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. We also expect commitment to these principles from all organisations with which we do business and will not support or do business knowingly with a Company involved in Slavery or Human Trafficking.
A full copy of this policy and copy of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 will be accessible to all employees electronically and this policy statement will be reviewed annually.

Date : January 2021
Position : Managing Director